DeFuniak Springs (Oct. 11, 2022) – CHELCO CEO Steve Rhodes was re-elected to the National Cooperative Services Corporation (NCSC) Board of Directors. Rhodes will serve three years in an officer’s role as Director-At-Large.
The NCSC is an affiliate of the Cooperative Services Corporation (CFC). Where CFC provides financing to electric cooperatives like CHELCO, NCSC generally provides financing to electric co-op subsidiaries. Directors are elected by the approximately 450 NCSC member cooperatives.
“National cooperative organizations require the involvement of individuals across the electric cooperative network to survive and thrive,” Rhodes said. “If distribution and G&T co-ops don’t get involved and support these organizations just as our local members support CHELCO, the governance structure won’t function as it was designed. I’m doing my part to support CFC and NCSC by representing their member co-ops.”
CHELCO is a not-for-profit electric distribution cooperative serving more than 60,000 accounts in Walton, Okaloosa, Holmes and Santa Rosa counties.